Event: Lake Ontario Evening – February 2021

Indigenous Peoples and Treaties of Toronto

Date: Tuesday February 9, 2021
Time: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Location: Online (webinar)

Please join us for a virtual Lake Ontario Evening on Indigenous Treaties and Peoples of Toronto.

The two-hour event will touch on the treaties that cover what is now the City of Toronto, which nations traditionally inhabited or moved through these lands, traditional ecological knowledge, the indigenous presence in Toronto today, and more.


  • Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation treaties in Toronto and Region – Darin Wybenga, Traditional Knowledge and Land Use Coordinator, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation
  • The Michi Saagiig Peoples on the Eastern Shores of Lake Ontario – Gary Pritchard, Indigenous Restoration Ecologist
  • Urban Indigenous Tkaronto: Social Services Landscape – Lindsay (Swooping Hawk) Kretschmer, Executive Director, Toronto Aboriginal Support Services Council

Lake Ontario Evenings are free and open to the public.