Event: Lake Ontario Evening – October 2020

Assessment of Fish Populations and Habitats in Toronto and Region

Date: Tuesday October 20, 2020
Time: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Location: Online (webinar)

Join us to learn all about how fish populations and habitats are faring in the Toronto and Region Area of Concern, with a set of short presentations from our panel of experts!

In 2019/2020, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) scientists used more than 30 years of electrofishing data, long term habitat restoration records, and nearly a decade of hydroacoustic and telemetry survey data to assess the status of fish and their habitats in Toronto.

TRCA monitoring team electrofishing on Lake Ontario waterfront

In this Lake Ontario Evening webinar, you’ll learn how fish and fish habitat are doing, what we still don’t know, and how we can continue to support our native fish communities.


  • A Brief History of Aquatic Habitat along the Toronto and Region Waterfront – Rick Portiss, Senior Manager, TRCA
  • Fish Populations Status Assessment – Jon Midwood, Research Scientist, DFO
  • Fish Habitat Status Assessment – Susan Doka, Research Scientist, DFO
  • Toronto Waterfront Aquatic Habitat Restoration Update – Lyndsay Cartwright, Data Analyst, TRCA